- sectile
- мелкорассечённый; резной* * *• мелкорассеченный• резной
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Sectile — Sec tile, a. [L. sectilis, fr. secare, sectum, to cut: cf. F. sectile. See {Section}.] Capable of being cut; specifically (Min.), capable of being severed by the knife with a smooth cut; said of minerals. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sectile — [sek′təl, sek′tīl΄] adj. [Fr < L sectilis < secare, to cut: see SAW1] 1. capable of being cut smoothly with a knife 2. Bot. cut into small divisions sectility [sek′til′ə tē] n … English World dictionary
sectile — ⇒, adj. A. Qui peut se détacher. La queue des lézards est sectile. (Dict. XXe s.). B. MINÉR. Qui peut être coupé. L embolite est un minéral vert grisâtre ou vert d asperge, parfois jaunâtre, cubique et sectile (LAPPARENT, Minér., 1899, p. 616).… … Encyclopédie Universelle
sectile — adjective Etymology: Latin sectilis, from sectus, past participle of secare Date: 1805 capable of being severed by a knife with a smooth cut < amber is a sectile resin > • sectility noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
sectile — (sè kti l ) adj. Terme didactique. Qui est susceptible de se diviser. Les masses polliniques sont sectiles, quand les grains, agglutinés par une sorte de résine élastique, peuvent se séparer par une traction. Oignons sectiles, oignons plantés… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Sectĭle opus — (Sectilia pavimenta, ital. Commesso), so v.w. Florentinische Mosaik, s. Mosaik S. 473 … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sectĭle opus — (Sectilia pavimenta, lat.), Fußboden eines Zimmers, der aus kleinen, mosaikartig zusammengesetzten Stückchen Marmor besteht … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
SECTILE Pavimentum — apud Sueton. Caesare c. 46. In expeditionibus tessellata et sectilia pavimenta circumtulit, idem cum lithostroro est, quo supra vide: ut et Casaubonum ad loc … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
sectile — sectility, n. /sek til/, adj. capable of being cut smoothly with a knife. [1710 20; < L sectilis cuttable, equiv. to sect(us) (ptp. of secare to cut; see SAW1) + ilis ILE] * * * … Universalium
sectile — 1. Capable of being cut or divided. 2. Having the appearance of being divided. [L. sectilis, fr. seco, to cut] * * * sec·tile (sekґtīl) [L. sectilis, from secare to cut] 1. susceptible of being cut. 2. one of several parts into which a whole … Medical dictionary
sectile — adj. can be cut smoothly … English contemporary dictionary